Rose petals jelly recipe available during winter

I adore various jams and jelly. This recipe can give you a rose taste in winter which is not the season of blooming petals. Although most jams are only available during certain times of the year, we’re going to make something that can be made at any time.

First, you should stock the cabinet with a wide range of dried rose petals, both in terms of color and diversity.

What kind of rose petals ought I to purchase?

Make sure to buy organic types that have not been treated with any chemicals at any point in their production. Do not purchase roses from a florist because they have been chemically treated in order to keep them for a longer period of time. Roses from your own yard or the petals of wild roses work wonderfully. Because the petals of a Rosa canina flower are so fine and slender, they don’t become chewy when they are used in jam.

Roses that have been cultivated in one’s own garden, such as Rosa damascene or Rosa centifolia, are also wonderful options. They also have therapeutic value, as they possess a variety of qualities that are beneficial to the body and the skin.

At the time of harvest, the roses you use should have a nice and strong perfume. This is true regardless of the roses you use. More fragrant blossoms signify tasty rose tea or perfumed rose petal jam.

Roses: fresh or dried?

It is possible to do so with fresh petals; but, given that fresh roses are out of season at the moment, we want to attempt making this jelly with dried rose petals instead. Using fresh rose petals will also work with this recipe. Just keep in mind that one cup of fresh rose petals is equivalent to thirteen cups of dried rose petals.

Ingredients For The Rose Jam

You’re going to need some sweeteners in addition to the rose petals. White sugar has been shown to suppress immune function for several hours after digestion, which is why I try to stay away from it. However, you should feel free to use other types of sugar, such as raw or brown sugar. Be aware that the type of sugar that is used will affect not only the taste but also the consistency and color of the jam.

I used raw honey in this recipe due to the nutritional value and antibacterial properties of raw honey, and the dish turned out quite nicely.

Thickening Agent

Pectin, agar, or chia seeds can be utilized in the preparation of a product with a jelly-like consistency. The miraculous food Chia seeds have a high protein and mineral content and have the ability to convert any liquid into a jelly-like consistency. This recipe calls for either 25 grams (o.85 ounces) of pectin or 0.98 ounces of agar, as well as 2 teaspoons of chia seeds.

Lime Or Lemon

The rose petal jam recipe calls for either lemon or lime juice, and it is an essential ingredient. It helps the jam set, makes the color of the jam more vibrant, and it prevents the growth of microorganisms. The richness of the rose petals is balanced nicely by the tartness of this flavor. I suggest that you try some of the jam and then alter the amount of honey and lemon juice until it is to your satisfaction.

The Advantages That Rose Petal Jam Offers

Roses are naturally energizing and include plant flavonoids that have anti-stress and anti-depressant properties, making them an excellent choice for a pick-me-up.

The petals of roses have a high concentration of polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that can combat the damaging effects of free radicals and contribute to overall good health.

How To Make Jam With Rose Petals And Eggs

First Step

To get started, gather all of the rose petals. You can omit this step if you’re going to be using dried rose petals instead. It is important to keep in mind that you will need 13 cups of dried petals in order to make 1 cup of fresh petals.

The best time to collect rose petals is first thing in the morning on a bright, sunny day. I don’t wash them because doing so would remove the pollen, which acts as a flavor and taste transmitter and is removed by washing. Simply eliminate any pests or dirt using mechanical means.

Second Step

For a jam with a distinct rose flavor, steep the rose petals, whether they are fresh or dried, for an entire night.

The Next Step

This stage is completely discretionary and is determined by whether you choose to incorporate the petal pieces into the jam or instead strain them to make jelly.

Fourth Step

pectin should be added, and the rose tea, with or without petals, should be heated over low to medium heat while being stirred often.

Fifth Step

Whisking should be continued while observing the beautiful color that is developing; the mixture should still be very loose at this point. Continue to simmer for the remaining ten minutes.

Sixth Step

Remove the jam from the heat; the temperature must be allowed to drop before it can set.

Seventh Step

Hold off on adding the raw honey until the jam has reached the desired consistency.

The thickening point shifts depending on the type of thickening agent, the amount of the batch, and the depth of the pan. The more jam that you prepare, the more time it will take to get to the point where it has set. When testing the setting ability of jam, I usually put one teaspoon into the refrigerator first.

Eighth Step

To a quarter of their capacity, fill the sterile jars with jam. This jam can be stored in the refrigerator for three to four weeks. You can soak the jam in water if you want it to last for a longer period of time.

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